Jw elders book shepherd the flock of god explains judicial committee and disfellowship procedures in 2010, a new elders book shepherd the flock of god was released. Shepherding the flock of god first presbyterian church. Human leaders are likewise to rule over men as a shepherd tends his flock. In addition, lapel cards are being provided for elders and ministerial servants for use as identification upon entry at the school location and during the course. Jehovah has entrusted elders with the responsi bility to care for his precious sheep that he pur chased with the blood of his son. These documents are meant to be kept secret by the elders. Weve got a lot of business to take care of tonight. Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the holy spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of god which he purchased with his own blood.
Asaph begins psalm 80 hear us, shepherd of israel, you who lead joseph like a flock. Feed the flock of god which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly. There will be a work day at the church in two weeks, and we need to decide. This publication is divided into chapters, each per taining to a particular aspect of your work. Shepherd the flock of god by watch tower bible and tract. Sep 25, 2017 to shepherd gods flock well requires a healthy, gospelcentered diet. Shepherd the flock of god has been designed as a handbook for elders to supply vital information that will help them care for congregation matters. If an elder is deleted for reasons other than moving to another congregation with a favorable recommendation, he should turn over this publication to the congregation service committee to be destroyed, and any electronic copies in his possession should be deleted. Why then does it say, feed if the verb is poimnenan, which is to shepherd. First on our agenda is what color to paint the social hall. These annual preach the wordshepherd the flock gatherings have proven to be fruitful times of refreshment and encouragement.
For other manuals and textbooks, including branch guidelines, circuit overseer guidelines. If were not giving christ to the flock, we are not being faithful shepherds. Shepherd the flock of god secret jehovahs witnesses. The internets most comprehensive resource for exjehovahs witnesses, a community for support, recovery and a few laughs along the way. Shepherd the flock of god by watch tower bible and tract society. Shepherd the flock of god royal commission into institutional. August 1, 2012 november 20, 2012 cedars 498 views alameda county superior court, anthony morris iii, apostate, appeal, candace conti, child abuse, child molestation, governing body, jehovahs witnesses, jonathan kendrick, kelly kraetsch, organization, rick simons, shepherd the flock of god, two witness rule, watch tower society, watchtower. For the latest body of elders letters see the latest downloads list on the side column.
Shepherd the flock of god a good shepherd will strive to imitate jehovah and his son as shepherds by loving the sheep in the following areas. Shepherd the flock of god secret jehovahs witnesses elder. The handbooks are mainly used for judicial matters. You can hear the earnestness and the seriousness in those words. Now, if you have a king james version, youve been looking in vain for, be shepherds of gods flock, because in verse 2 it actually says, feed the flock of god. For a jw, questioning watchtower rules would be virtually the same as challenging god s rules. Shepherd the flock of god in your care, not under compulsion, but willingly. Shepherd the flock of god watchtower online library. Biblical eldership resources is dedicated to helping believers understand. Tonight as we come to our time in the word of god, i want you to turn again in your bible to 1 peter chapter 5 and i want to read for you verses 1 through 4, which again is the setting for our study. All crossreferences are by chapterparagraph notation. What circumstances were christians facing when peter wrote his first letter.
The good shepherd, easter 4 c 2016 episcopal church. God wants to be manifested in his people before he comes for his people. Shepherd the flock of god in your care watchtower online. Jesus is the model in how he led his disciples, how he lead the multitudes, and how he led the religious leaders. Shepherd the flock of god so i exhort the elders among you, as a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of christ, as well as a. Paul lutheran church in new athens, illinois, and guest rev. Paul charges the elders to shepherd the flock acts 20. Others among gods servants worldwide also are thankful for the continuing support and care they receive from those who shepherd the flock of god. As we gather together, we are blessed to spend time walking through the word of god as a group, sharing our hearts, as well as enjoying times of fellowship and meaningful prayer for one anothers needs. Shepherd the flock of god secret jehovahs witnesses elders. Elders manuals, branch manuals, and circuit overseer manuals. Matt tooman from immanuel lutheran church in wahpeton, north dakota. Therefore, i exhort the elders among you, as your fellow elder and witness of the sufferings of christ and a partaker also of.
It is used by jehovahs witnesses to support their worldwide work, which includes publishing bibles and biblebased literature. Shepherd the flock of god chapter 5, part 46 chapter five, part 4 determining whether a judicial committee should be formed this part we. Shepherd the flock of god the elders which are among you i exhort, who am also an elder, and a witness of the sufferings of christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed. Mar 07, 20 the watchtower society issues a special manual titled shepherd the flock of god to members who are appointed to be elders in the congregations. Confidential manuals previous shepherd the flock of god jw correspondence guidelines. May your crook and your staff always protect us and guide us through all the trou bles of.
Feeding the sheep leading the sheep protecting the sheep. This understanding of god as the shepherd of israel forms the backdrop for jesus teaching in the gospel of john. These are the images that are bound up in the verb shepherd. And then he goes on to say, shepherd the flock of god that is among you, exercising oversight. The points of detail are set forth in this psalm with exquisite tenderness and beauty, 1. God knows them by name, and they recognize gods voice. A revised, softcover textbook entitled shepherd the flock of god 1 peter 5. Shepherd the flock of god so i exhort the elders among you, as a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of christ, as well as a partaker in the glory that is going to be revealed. Guidelines for branch service desk 2011 circuit organization guidelines. Jesus begins what is known as the good shepherd discourse by describing the relationship between the sheep and the shepherd. A good shepherd will strive to imitate jehovah and his son as shepherds by loving the sheep in the following areas. Paul charges the elders to shepherd the flock the bridge. If the wrongdoing occurred within the past few years while he was serving.
Sometime before nero launched his persecution against christians in rome, the apostle peter wrote his first letter. A brief excerpt of the talk giants given by brother samuel herd of the governing body of jehovahs witnesses highlighting the importance of the shepherding. How to implement biblical eldership in your local church implementation 3. The imagery of a shepherd and his flock thus provided a picture of the way god cared for his people, and thus this imagery also serves as a model for human leaders. Jw elders book shepherd the flock of god explains judicial. How to become more effective in the pastoral care that elders exercise over the local church effectiveness.
Individuals demonstrate their allegiance to jehovah by obeying the faithful and discreet slave matthew 24. We are a community of believers of one heart and mind whose love and trust for god is expressed in love for one another and share this with others. Be the first to ask a question about shepherd the flock of god. Novena prayer jesus, good shepherd, you tend your flock unceasingly and know our every need. This edition of shepherd the flock of god, referred to colloquially within the jehovahs witness elder. Mar 31, 2012 a brief excerpt of the talk giants given by brother samuel herd of the governing body of jehovahs witnesses highlighting the importance of the shepherding. In 2010, a new elders book shepherd the flock of god was released. First peter chapter 5 verses 1 through 4, let me read this text for you. Elders leave rapists in jehovahs hands, shepherd the. Well, clearly because the shepherds ultimate responsibility is to feed the sheep, not. The handbook shepherd the flock of god deals with the structure, organization, and rules of the jehovahs witnesses.
They are the undershepherds but god is the great shepherd over his people as famously described by david in the shepherd psalm, psalm 23 the lord is my shepherd, i shall lack nothing. They are not to be viewed by anyone but themselves. Others among god s servants worldwide also are thankful for the continuing support and care they receive from those who shepherd the flock of god. The watch tower bible and tract society of pennsylvania is a nonprofit corporation formed in 1884 under the laws of the commonwealth of pennsylvania, u. Shepherd the flock of god jehovahs witness cult policy on child sexual abuse on july 26, 2017 june 11, 2017 by j. Feeding the sheep leading the sheep protecting the sheep 1. View or download handbooks, manuals and textbooks used by elders of jehovahs witnesses. Even though shepherd the flock of god is written by the watchtower, the majority of witnesses are afraid of asking questions about organizational policies no doubt because they believe the organization is run by god. Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the holy spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of god which he. God is going to give grace to his people to believe the promises of the word of god. This publication, shepherd the flock of god, is confidential. Shepherd the flock of god thetruthofjehowaswittness.
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